Johnny goes to the library . . . .

My love of books began with a box of crayons. OH! how the black on white needed emphasis! I find my powers of research challenged as literature moves through the digital age. Graduate school presents new information for my enjoyment and consumption. READ ON!!!!!

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

learning for the masses, eh messes, ih misses, oh mosses, uh musses, yh mysses

Thank you teacher for coming to my rescue. I was contemplating what I would babble on about for the next 3 months in this log- until TODAY. You affirmed what I was getting to, but thanks for the reinforcement. I am going to assess assessments currently or pastly used, and probably be used in the near and distant future, for ease of the multitutes. As a lay person, I have only to interpret the aforementioned interpretations to my liking- if not a free country, it is at least a free universe, right?

Because you began with a Jungian construct, I will continue with same. As I don’t want to plagiarize, I will paraphrase to the best of my ability? So far I have learned that learning styles instruments include the Jungian instruments, among others. If time permits later this semester, I will digress. 4 Jungian models are:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI3)
Keirsey Temperament Sorter II
Gregorc Style Delineator

The Kolb LSI3 is similar to the MBTI, with four scales: converging, accommodating, diverging, and assimilating. It is short (only 12 items) and is self-scored. David Kolb is an expert in experiential learning, and his product line is available at one source in particular, and those products include:

Kolb learning style exercise
Kolb learning style inventory
Kolb learning style inventory online
Kolb learning style floor mat
Kolb learning style reference card
Kolb learning style T-shirt
Kolb personal learning guide
Kolb team learning experience
and MORE!!!!

We should all be so intelligent. I am currently thinking of a launching a magic carpet floor mat, in the learning style of Maharesh Mahesh Yogi, with scenes of the ancient home of the Dalai Lama in the Himalayas. The possibilities for T-shirts boggles the imagination!@#$?

The LSI3 identifies preferred learning styles (no freedom of thought here, kiddies) for problem solving, working in teams, resolving conflict, communicating at work and home, and considering a career. AND, one of the features of the LSI3 is “use of four color reinforces concepts”- that’s what it says at

Well, I for one, am SPENT! Till next time. . . . . . . . . …


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