Johnny goes to the library . . . .

My love of books began with a box of crayons. OH! how the black on white needed emphasis! I find my powers of research challenged as literature moves through the digital age. Graduate school presents new information for my enjoyment and consumption. READ ON!!!!!

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thinking about it?

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

yesterday, all my troubles seemed so . . . . tomorrow

RE: Electronic archives class yesterday recently

while discussing records management recently I questioned the abundance of gubment websites, i. e., the national archives (,, National Records Administration (NARA), etc. I was reminded of 1970 at Chevrolet Motors Division, and all the jumping through hoops we all did under the direction of John DeLorean, who was instituting OSHA for the first time. OSHA wanted this, OSHA wanted that, but the gubment enforcers didnt know what the gubment "intelligentsia" wanted enforced. SOOOOO John D would tell us just make it "good enough for the gubment, and leave it at that." Teacher ensured me upon questioning that these gubment sites were, in deed, legitimate, and not just a big joke like OSHA was when it first began 37 years ago. I'm still scared.


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